While Mason Industries started in the air conditioning industry, over the years we have been offered challenges in other fields including acoustic isolation of studios and, very much more interesting, isolation of complete buildings on natural rubber isolation pads or springs as well as railroad isolation.
Isolating helicopter emergency landing pads on top of a hospital is another area. The general method is to completely separate the landing pad from the facility with spring mountings at 2-3 Hz. This 2400 ton landing pad is on 58 isolators with a capacity of 207,000 lbs. each, adjusted hydraulically.
This heliport is in Sweden, but we have supported buildings here at home as well as in Australia, Poland, Thailand, Greece and the UK, to name just a few. We also did all the floating floor and isolation work in the largest TV studio in the world in Beijing. We often compete with American, European, and sometimes Asiatic vibration isolation firms.
Our closing rate is in the 80 – 90% range; never based on price but always engineering capability, reliability and design integrity. We have never left a job until it was right. The short youthful confused gentleman is the writer. The taller older man is Steve Fey, who continues to be our outstanding Worldwide Sales Engineer. Please think of us architecturally as well as experts in the HVAC market. We all need more exports in this troubled economy.