A Richter 5.8 Earthquake with its Epicenter near Sparks, Okla. occurred on Saturday evening at 10:53. Aftershocks as high as Richter 3.0 continue to shake the region more than 24 hours after the initial tremblor.
Don’t get all shook up about your mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Rely on Mason Industries for the best Seismic Restraint Solutions and Material.
For over 50 years we have developed excellent seismic restraints, vibration isolators, and flexible connectors. Our seismic restraint systems have survived numerous devastating earthquakes without a single failure. You can count on Mason to protect lives, and keep equipment securely attached to the structure without interfering with vibration and noise control. People work with our company because of our ability to engineer complete seismic system solutions the first time.
Quakes can cause extensive damage to building systems.
Please contact us for the latest Mason Seismic Restraint Guidelines book and a complete Mason Catalog.
FAX: 631-348-0279
EMAIL: jreinhardt@mason-ind.com
PHONE: Jonathan Reinhardt, 631-348-0282
Our response will include contact details of our nearest Representative Contact.