Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs Bearing Isolation Project Name: Goldman Sachs Location: New York, New York Natural Frequency: Bridge Bearing Natural Rubber Natural Frequency: 7 – 8 Hz
Goldman Sachs Bearing Isolation Project Name: Goldman Sachs Location: New York, New York Natural Frequency: Bridge Bearing Natural Rubber Natural Frequency: 7 – 8 Hz
SSLR – SPRING MOUNTS Restrained spring mountings shall have an SLF mounting as described in SLF Specification, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. Installed and operating heights are equal. Restraining Bolts shall have a neoprene bushing…
SSLFH – SPRING MOUNTS Equipment shall be installed on resilient mountings designed and rated to resist seismic forces in all directions. The snubber shall be adjustable in the vertical up direction and allow a maximum of 1/4” (6mm) travel in the vertical and horizontal direction before contacting the resilient snubbing collars. Mountings shall have an…
Seismic Snubbers All directional seismic snubbers shall consist of interlocking steel members restrained by shock absorbent rubber materials compounded to bridge bearing specifications. Elastomeric materials shall be replaceable and a minimum of 3/4” (19mm) thick. Rated loadings shall not exceed 1000 psi (.7kg/mm2). Snubbers shall be manufactured with an air gap between hard and resilient…
Seismic Snubbers All-directional seismic snubbers shall consist of interlocking steel members restrained by a one-piece molded neoprene bushing of bridge bearing neoprene. Bushing shall be replaceable and a minimum of 1/4” (6mm) thick. Rated loadings shall not exceed 1000 psi (.7kg/mm2). A minimum air gap of 1/8” (3mm) shall be incorporated in the snubber design…
SLRJW – 5″ DEF. – 100 SERIES Restrained spring mountings shall have an SLF mounting as described in SLF Specification, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. Installed and operating heights are equal. Restraining Bolts shall have…
SLRJW – 4″ DEF. – 100 SERIES Restrained spring mountings shall have an SLF mounting as described in SLF Specification, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. Installed and operating heights are equal. Restraining Bolts shall have…
SLRJW – 3″ DEF. – 100 SERIES Restrained spring mountings shall have an SLF mounting as described in SLF Specification, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. Installed and operating heights are equal. Restraining Bolts shall have…
SLRJW – 2″ DEF. – 100 SERIES Restrained spring mountings shall have an SLF mounting as described in SLF Specification, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. Installed and operating heights are equal. Restraining Bolts shall have…
SLRJW – 2″ DEFLECTION Restrained spring mountings shall have an SLF mounting as described in SLF Specification, within a rigid housing that includes vertical limit stops to prevent spring extension when weight is removed. The housing shall serve as blocking during erection. Installed and operating heights are equal. Restraining Bolts shall have a neoprene bushing…